our product
the first source of single-cycle light
albatross is the first source of single-cycle light at the repetition rate of a laser oscillator.
Efficiently generating near- to mid-infrared waveforms over more than three octaves is a striking demonstration of its potential. Combined with ultra-low noise of field amplitude and CEP, laser pulses are generated with high waveform fidelity. This makes albatross the ideal choice for exploring infrared opto-electronics at sub-cycle timescales and for spectroscopic measurements with unprecedented time resolution and sensitivity.

pulse duration
< 10 fs
output power
> 250 mW
spectral coverage (1)
1.2-2.8 µm
integrated RIN (2)
< 0.06%
CEP noise (2)
< 30 mrad
pulse energy
> 10 nJ
repetition rate
25 MHz
(1) Intensity reference level: -20 dB
(2) Frequency interval: 10 Hz to 1 MHz